Film-Konzert / Finissage
10. November 2013
Sonntag – 16–19 h
Alte Feuerwache Ausstellungshalle, Melchiorstr. 3, Köln

Screening of Environments

Eintritt: 10 EUR

PHILL_A6_1011Ab 1968 experimentiert Phill Niblock mit der Verknüpfung seiner visuellen und musikalischen Werke und schafft damit architektonische und umweltbezogene Kompositionen, verknüpft mit inszeniertem Tanz und seiner frühen Kompositionen für analoge Musik. Mit der Film- und Bildserie „Environments“, die 2011 zum ersten Mal seit 1972 vom Künstler rekonstruiert wird, kondensiert Niblock durch das Bild die Wirklichkeit mehrerer Gegenden und schafft gleichzeitig im Ausstellungssraum eine verdichtete, intensive temporäre Umgebung anhand der projizierten Bilder, der Musik und der Bewegung.

Multiple film images on 3 screens with
early analog music by Niblock

„T h i r“ the film
1969/2013 / 45 min / digital Version

Environments (1970/71):
„Cross Country/Environment II“
1970/2012 /60 min /digital Version

„100 Mile Radius/Environment III“
1971/2012 / 60 min /digital Version

„Ten Hundred Inch Radii/Environment IV“
1971 / 60 Min / 16 mm

„Meudrone“ (DEA)
2013 / 38 min / Digital Video

„T h i r“ the film
“T H I R Film and Music One freezes nature, such as a twig, crystalline rocks camera glues hard, nature itself supplies rushing water, shifting light or scudding pulsating with a inner life of their own, microscopically in fragmented close-ups of in a brook or shadowy trees. As the movement and impact, whether clouds. These images, eventually simple majesty.”—Howard Thompson, New York Times The music (T H I R) was sustained sounds, hovering around an out-of-tune cluster for a long time. Gradually it seems to become denser, and expands to the upper register—the piece builds up in a dramatic way. Voice Four—the sounds are voices, and they are beautifully blended to create an expanse of low-pitched vocal sound. His music has an undefined drifting quality much of the time, which leaves it vague and open to interpretation.

(1969–1971, revisited in 2011)
The ‘Environments’ were a series of museum installations/ performances that Niblock produced at the turn of the 1960s. Originally conceived as ‘non verbal theatre events’, these pieces combined live dance, dance on film, film and music. Only the last three ‘Environments’ still exist in their complete versions.
“…in a room humming with deep sounds, a landscape of colours and shape—as much as the eyes can hold. It is an experience of spezial beauty, of special quiet, of special uplift. It is the world of Phill Niblock”. —Abigail Nelson, 1974
“…projected movies and slides were interrupted and the dancers performed simple, one-themed pieces that merged perfectly with the serenity of the images”.—Jonas Mekas,
The Village Voice, 1970

‘Meudrone’ in André Bloc’s Habitacle, Meudon. An unique space of meditation where the galerist Natalie Seroussi presents Phill Niblocks mix of music, videos and photography. A visual and sonorous experience inspired by the flora surrounding the site. ‘Meudrone’ and ‘T H I R’, was premiered in the garden of Natalie Seroussi in Meudon, Paris, on September 15, 2013. This installation can be visited by appointment till 2015, contact Galerie Natalie Seroussi.

Veranstalter: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Pulheim und freies rheinland e.V. /Georg Dietzler
Programmauswahl:  Phill Niblock, Harald Kimmig und Georg Dietzler
